
Ning Li & Austin Lee – Zero To $6K

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Ning Li & Austin Lee – Zero To $6K
Original Price: $697
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Ning Li & Austin Lee – Zero To $6K
Original Price: $697
You Just Pay: $89.95 (One Time – 88% OFF)
Author:_Clay Collins
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Copy and Paste This 7-Sentence Email to Land Your First High-Paying Client… Skyrocket Your Copywriting Income Past $6,000 a Month…
Discover the Step-By-Step Blueprint of How to Go From Complete Beginner to Living the Dream Remote Working Lifestyle In As Little As 8 Weeks
> This client-closing template has worked for 31 out of 36 copywriting students I’ve taught it to
> It helped me quit my PhD studying elephant seals and become the chief copywriter at PaleoHacks, a multi-million dollar health company
> Today, it could be the missing link you need to make your freelance copywriting career EXPLODE, even if you have zero experience and zero connections
Freelance Copywriter,
Would you believe me if I told you I was psychic?
Bold claim, I know… but I’m a bold man.
So let me prove it by reading your mind right now.
Are you ready? Here we go…
You’ve read dozens of copywriting blogs and books.
You’ve looked at a few copywriting courses.
Hell, you may have even landed a few clients.
But you have no clue how to start making actual money…
Or how to scale up your freelance copywriting income so you can make a living off it.
Well, that’s EXACTLY what I’m here to show you today.
Today, I’m going to show you a step-by-step system to
go from complete copywriting beginner to making up
to $6,000 a month… in just 8 weeks
You see, as a freelance copywriter, all it takes is one email to change your life.
Because all you need is one high-quality client to say, “Yes, I’ll hire you”…
And… BOOM.
Thousands of dollars would be plopped into your bank account, instantly.
Enough to quit your job. Enough to transform your life.
You may think this is completely outside your reality right now…
But I promise you, it’s not.
With the template I’m about to show you, it’s absolutely possible for a beginner copywriter to achieve this in just 2 short months, and I’ll prove it to you.
> Even if you have never landed a single client in your entire life and have ZERO connections…
> Even if you’ve tried copywriting courses in the past and haven’t gotten anywhere…
> And even if you’ve sent tons of emails and messages to clients without a response.
Oh, and our system will let you get clients regardless of the economic conditions.
(With more people than ever bored & buying stuff from home — the demand for good copy has never been higher.)
This proven system lets beginner copywriters
close high-paying clients…
Using easy, step-by-step emails
with copy-and-paste templates…
This system has worked for 31 out of 36 copywriting students I’ve taught it to… And today, it can absolutely work for YOU.
You see, since January 2017, my friend Austin and I have coached an exclusive group of 36 copywriters as part of Derek Johanson’s CopyHour Certified Coaching Program…
It was a tightly knit and closed group… with each student paying up to $5,500 to learn these secrets from us.
The majority of these students started right where you are today…
In other words, at the VERY beginning, with little to zero experience.
Yet in just a short amount of time, their lives were TRANSFORMED.
For example:
Joel B. from Denver was in our first coaching program ever, way back in 2017.
He had never written a sales page before, but by the end of the program, he had finished a $500 sales page and booked a $2,000 one.
One month later, he used the exact templates we gave him to secure a $5,000 project. Today, he’s working with one of the premier copywriting agencies in the world, writing for big names like Agora Financial and Investing Daily.
So let’s break down exactly what you
get week-by-week…
(Plus the special bundle of free gifts & word-for-
word templates for early-bird members)
The moment you log in, you’ll see a powerful 9-page PDF we’ve NEVER release before.
(Not even to our one-on-one students)
That’s over 2,000 words of fill-in-the-blank templates you can start using to attract, filter and close paid clients.
This is broken out into 4 “Phases”, as follows:
1. Completely Cold Client Template
2. Semi-Cold Client Template
3. How to Get a Client on the Phone
4. 27-Step Phone Sales Script to Close a Client on the Spot
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because this curriculum is loaded with over 5 hours of actionable, step-by-step video guidance.
(If that sounds like a lot – don’t fret – it’s only ~5 minutes per day.)
So let’s get right into the MEAT of the program, and see what’s inside…
WEEK #1: Trust the Process (It Works) [24:36]
[+] The 1 thing that sets apart our most successful students
[+] How to triple your rates overnight with ZERO stress
[+] Why “thinking small” is better than big goals (& why momentum is your ultimate friend)
[+] The ONLY benchmark you should be measuring yourself with (hint: it’s not money)
[+] Try on these free “new clothes” to INSTANTLY skyrocket your self-belief (Gary Bencivenga did this)
[+] Ning’s “Go Gangster” secret to harnessing your inner fire… and why timing is everything
WEEK #2: How to Land High Paying Clients Even
if You Have ZERO Experience [42:05]
[+] How Ning’s girlfriend — who had no experience — blew past the objections most high-paying clients have with new copywriters
[+] Why branding matters
[+] Forget the laws of “normal” jobs — they do NOT govern the laws of freelancing
[+] CAUTION: perfectionism can kill you in this game… here’s why “good enough” is better than perfect (plus how to know where the line is)
[+] Nike was right, JUST DO THE THING (like this) & watch your career take off
[+] The 3 immutable phases of client interaction (and why offering prospects “snacks” is the BEST way to take the next step)
[+] Charge this amount per email — down to the dollar — based on your skill level
[+] Afraid of taking on projects you can’t DELIVER? We explain why it’s not as scary or risky as you think
[+] How my crazy fire walk with the legend David Deutsche PROVES you can turn a shit sandwich into gold
WEEK #3: Over the Shoulder – Ning Writes an Email
from Scratch PLUS How to Outline a Sales Letter [56:47]
[+] WATCH: we transform a student’s random email idea into client-ready copy in 7 minutes
[+] What you absolutely CANNOT FORGET in your first line of email copy (non-negotiable)
[+] Non-intuitive tip to maximizing email conversions with 1 type of photo
[+] “How HARD should I sell in my email?” <<< answered
[+] 7 ways to pull great email ideas from any sales page… and pitch them to a cold client
[+] The #1 question to ask before writing a single word of copy
[+] Where to find your audience’s deepest secrets to push their hot-buttons and make them buy (not Facebook or Amazon reviews)
[+] How long to spend on research
[+] LOOK PAGE-BY PAGE INSIDE THIS DOC: research document of a winning health supplement control… the exact questions Ning asked… where he found the answers… how to do this with any project
[+] The 2-pronged mechanism approach to TRULY differentiate your product from everything else out there
[+] Why “just sitting down to write copy” is a ROOKIE MOVE (do this instead)
WEEK #4: How to Create & Foster Meaningful (& Profitable)
Relationships in the Industry [28:19]
[+] The inevitable “dip” you’ll roll up to in ANY phase of your freelancing & how to cruise through it intact
[+] The “hockey stick” success myth
[+] EASIEST way to differentiate yourself from other copywriters — this requires no skill
[+] Why learning to surf is just like copy (& just as fun when you master it)
[+] #1 mental mistake copywriters make & what NEVER to tie your self worth to
[+] The “Squeaky wheel” technique: a simple follow-up reframe Austin used to land several clients who seemed ‘dead’
[+] How books, podcasts & blogs have “mileage” you can use to squeeze more money out of everything you learn (3 specific tips for how to do this)
[+] The likeability dilemma: authentic way to build rapport… get clients who like you… and earn more working with people YOU actually like
[+] Do you forget what you learned in that last podcast? So did we: until we started using this virtuous cycle trick
WEEK #5: Funnel Architecture & the Key Pillar of
Direct Response-Driven Businesses [45:34]
[+] UNDER THE HOOD OF A $20 MIL BIZ: see real conversion numbers, click thru rates, ad spend economics of a profitable publishing business — 95% of copywriters don’t understand this
[+] CPAs… true CPAs… AOV… ROAS… and other direct response acronyms: explained
[+] Starbucks REAL success secret… why their coffee doesn’t matter… and why to laser-focus your resources on building the same asset
[+] What “customer acquisition” really means & why it makes or breaks a business
[+] The #1 motivation behind everyone in the direct response game (besides money)
[+] Little-known ways to help your client (or yourself) with optimization
[+] Why NEVER to give an ounce of energy to a “MF” result when you test copy
[+] 7-Phase funnel breakdown of an 8-figure financial publishing company
[+] Which upsell is the most important and why to focus 80% of your energy there
WEEK #6: Grease the Slope: Sentence Structure,
Grammar & Clarity — Simplified [29:09]
[+] The reason Austin loves dog-shit first drafts (seriously, here’s why to be “proud of poo”)
[+] WHEN the real magic actually happens in your copy
[+] 3 key “focus zones” when you edit & the 3 most powerful verb tenses
[+] Active vs. passive voice: simplified
[+] The 1 scenario when you should use passive voice and how to use it right
[+] Why “digestibility” is paramount to conversions
WEEK #7: Cut Your Writing Time in HALF with
These Research & Outline Hacks [43:11]
[+] A mushroom trip “a-ha” moment Ning had that melts away writing blocks
[+] Down to the bullet how Austin structured a $1.7 Million promotion for Agora Financial
[+] Why “A.V.” is a better way to structure sales letters than “order of objections”
[+] Copywriting is as much about VISUALS as WORDS — and we don’t just mean photo / video
[+] The Dig Agency’s #1 Outlining Secret to Writing a Sales Letter with Maximum Profit Power
[+] The reason I’ve not been focusing on technical copy lately & the 1 thing I AM that’s doubled my skill
[+] When to write freely without a destination in mind
[+] Why, how & when to “Conceal your hand” and suck readers deeper into your copy
[+] Line-by-line lead breakdown of a multi-million dollar control we wrote
[+] Curveball Copy: the rarely understood skill of being unexpected in your copy to boost readership and conversions
WEEK #8: Blazing Ahead: Forming High-Value
Relationships by Getting Better [29:32]
[+] How to get into America’s top internet marketing conference — FREE! All the highest-paying clients show up.
[+] The simplest way to keep improving with the Swiss Army tool you just developed
[+] How to identify high value people & genuinely connect with them
[+] Exactly how Austin went from unknown copywriter >> to $110/hr. on Upwork >> to a key introduction from Kevin Rogers
[+] When you pass this “rollercoaster threshold” — people can’t wait to coach you… mentor you… and hire you instantly.
[+] The question to “ask the world” (tells you if you’re ready to step up to the big leagues)
[+] FEAR of sharing your work slows down your progress (easy fix shuts up that voice)
Inside every week, you’ll get:
* HD VIDEO LESSONS: full HD videos you can stream from your laptop or phone, with playback speed control so you can learn at your pace
* WORKSHEETS, SLIDES & PDFS: if the video has slides, or discusses a certain piece of swipe, you’ll get a file to follow along. Or, if there’s a link to something, we’ll include that inside your portal.
* FULL LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE 24/7 ONLINE PORTAL: everything detailed on this page is contained inside, accessible with your personal login for LIFE. 24/7/365.
Holy crap, I gotta be honest…
Flipping through this, I’m EXTREMELY JEALOUS of you.
Why? Because I had to go figure all this out myself… soaking in self doubt like a pair of soiled undies…
Riding the razor’s edge the whole time: 1 lost client away from disaster.
But with this proven system, you’ll rest easy knowing others have followed the SAME path…
Which guided them into 4-figure retainers, 5-figure projects, and royalty deals with the world’s top direct response businesses.
How much is that kind of guidance worth to you?
How much is it worth to have a proven success framework at your fingertips … to finally build the freelancing freedom you’ve dreamed of?
How much is it worth to never have to settle for another shitty 9-to-5 job again?
How much is it worth to know you’ve built a life that gives you real time to spend with your loved ones?
Honestly, having taken 36 students
through the very same framework… some paying
$5,500 each …
Watching them literally flip their lives around for
the better, within 8 weeks …
I am confident saying this system is worth
well over $10,000 to own.


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