
Mari Smith – Facebook Business Breakthrough

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Mari Smith – Facebook Business Breakthrough
Original Price: $1297
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Author: Mari Smith
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Mari Smith – Facebook Business Breakthrough
Original Price: $1297
You Just Pay: $49.95
Author: Mari Smith
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Why Social is More Important Than Ever!
Why it matters: In order to make sure that your online presence is working for your business you have to attract visitors to your website. That means you have to focus a big part of your efforts on maximizing your effectiveness on Facebook
Facebook Organic Reach is Just 1-6%
Brands have been reporting that they are reaching fewer and fewer people on Facebook. According to a comprehensive study by Ogilvy, this trend is continuing towards zero!
Why it matters: In order to capture referrals from social media you can’t rely on free reach on Facebook. It is vital that you and your business learn the “New Rules of the Game” (see below)

Important Facebook News Feed Changes
Facebook continusouly tweaks how content shows up in users’ News Feeds. These changes further impact the likelihood of you reaching your audience. Make sure you’re investing your resources wisely and not wasting money on the wrong promotions. It’s time for you to learn the New Rules of the Game.
“Around 90% of Facebook users do not return to fan pages once they have liked the page-fans typically only see and interact with your content in the News Feed. But, on average, Facebook only shows your content organically to around 1%-6% of your fans. But, So, unless you know the new ‘rules’ of how to get in front of your audience on Facebook, you’re probably wasting your time.” ~Mari Smith
Don’t Get Left Behind – “Getting it right” on Facebook has never been more important. All businesses, big and small, are adjusting to the new changes… Don’t let your business’ message and your offers get pushed out of the News Feed and totally lost. You need to learn the new rules of the game and avoid making costly mistakes.
Facebook’s family of apps account for 24% of all time users spend on mobile devices — and the main Facebook app is responsible for 75% of that.
Six video training sessions with top Facebook Marketing Expert and Facebook Partner, Mari Smith
Bonus interviews and case studies
Bonus video tutorials + special guides, checklists and templates
Private support community on Facebook
Priority access to Mari and team
Results guaranteed!

Everything in the Regular Program, PLUS:
Your own dedicated Facebook Ads Expert for 1:1 support to provide guidance on your Facebook Ad Campaigns (this service is in HIGH demand! Only 12 spots available!)

There’s even more! Get these five fast-action bonuses when you register TODAY!
1. Instant Social Media Content Planning Calendar
2. Master Checklist for Profitable Webinars
3. Step-by-Step Email List Building Masterplan
4. Mari’s Top Ten Time-Saving Social Media Tools
5. Mari’s Top Ten Facebook Money-Generating Techniques

Register today for  Mari’s Facebook Business Breakthroughs!
In this dynamic program, you’ll receive everything you need to increase your reach, leads, sales and profits on Facebook.

Six content-rich training sessions!
Facebook users spend most of their time in the News Feed. Every day, I see content in my own feed from business pages that just completely miss the mark. It’s super important that we cover content in-depth before moving on to the Ads modules.
Get the content piece right (for your audience), and your ads will be infinitely more effective!
FACEBOOK VIDEO, especially LIVE video is where it’s at on Facebook right now. You need to have a proper video strategy in place to maximize your reach and results. Let me show you how! (One of my recent Facebook Live videos has a reach of over 500,000! And a whopping 80% of that is organic.)
As we dive right in, you’ll receive an introduction to my proven ‘Four Phase Profit System’ and how that determines your content flow. I’ve been using this system in my business and that of my clients for many years in order to generate millions of dollars!
You’ll learn how to radically improve your content, including what to post and when for optimal results. As we plan out your best content types and strategy, you’ll be able to identify how to best implement the 4-Phase approach that works best for your business and your goals, whether weekly, monthly or quarterly, using Mari’s systems.

Next, we’ll work together to identify the exact posts you should be paying to amplify in order to generate maximum leads. We’ll go over all that you need to know from crafting copy, image creation, specs, ad types, CTA buttons and more.
Although some of the following modules should ideally be addressed first in this linear sequence, I’ve found over the years of teaching Facebook marketing courses that my students are super eager to get to the ads component as soon as possible.  :)So, we’re dedicating Modules #2 and #3 almost entirely to a deep dive on how to properly generate leads and revenue using Facebook ads!

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make with their Facebook ads is targeting the wrong audience. Or targeting too broad. Or too narrow! Ads cost money – you know that. So, why would you waste your hard earned dollars on the wrong ads or wrong targeting parameters?!
In this module, we’ll drill down into all the various ways you can reach specific audience demographics, using email and website custom audiences, retargeting and more. By getting in front of the perfect people who want and need what you’re offering, you’ll exponentially increase your conversion rates.

With super awesome Facebook ads and the right targeting, you’re half way there. Now, we absolutely must ensure that you have well-designed, compelling lead generation pages!
It’s one thing to send a ton of traffic to your special offers, but if your landing page is crappy (yes, I really did just use that word, LOL!), then you could actually have a negative impact on your brand and even reputation.
Having compelling lead generation landing pages is one of the most overlooked aspects when it comes to advertising on Facebook. I study and click through on a ton of Facebook ads daily and it just blows my mind how many top notch companies, even, have sub par landing pages.
There’s also a whole concept called “Frame-of-mind Marketing” that we’ll discuss in this module. That is, when someone clicks on your Facebook content or ad, they have a certain expectation and, if that expectation is not met very closely, you may have lost that prospect forever. So, let’s make sure this doesn’t happen to you!

“The fortune is in the follow up!” You’ve heard it said before, and it is oh-so true! How many times have you signed up for a free special offer and you either get hardly any follow up at all, or you suddenly get bombarded with a string of pushy, hypey emails?
Or maybe you chose to enter your phone number and now you’re getting calls and text messages, pestering you to buy, buy, buy. Well, again, let’s make sure you are not “that guy or gal!”
This module is one of my favorite subjects as it is a very close cousin to Social Customer Care (covered in Module #6). Right out the gates, when you have a stellar sales process in place, you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in both customer acquisition and customer retention. (Hint: this process starts inside your company, long before you talk to any prospects!)

“Service is the new social!” When you really get that piece, you’ll be able to instantly leapfrog the competition.
As social media becomes more demanding, businesses are losing absolute fortunes on a daily basis by providing poor customer service on Facebook, or just plain ignoring their prospects and customers when they ask for help. In fact, five out of six posts and private messages on social media (that warrant a reply) go unanswered. Yikes. That is money in the bank to the savvy business owner.
However, there truly is a fine art to providing exemplary social customer care. Relationships have always been my passion.  As the author of The New Relationship Marketing, and my tagline for over a decade has been “Relationships First, Business Second”—it’s even on my checks—I’ll share all the best practices that you can implement right away in your own business in order to attract only people who love you, and love to buy from you!
Remember, along with each of the above six LIVE one-hour lessons (replays included!), you’ll get the slides, notes, checklists, templates and more. PLUS, for the first time ever, I’ll be sharing my Fifty Facebook Marketing Mistakes And How To Fix Them checklist!


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