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Original Price: $95(Bought from original course creator to ensure updates)
You Just Pay: 49.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
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Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
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Master the Fundamentals of Captivating Story

In 1991, researchers asked a straightforward question: “What’s the most effective way to learn a new language?”
They tried various techniques, including books, grammar lessons, and costly courses.
The most effective technique turned out to be surprisingly simple: daily interaction with and imitation of a native speaker.

Language rules can be learned through materials and classes, but fluency comes from independent study and practice in a native environment.

This principle also applies to writing; grammar and vocabulary are important, but without your unique style and flow, your writing falls flat.
David Perell, who runs Write of Passage, follows the “Imitate, then Innovate” model for learning.
CopyWork, a powerful technique, involves hand-copying exceptional writing.
Renowned writers like Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Isaac Asimov used CopyWork to develop their styles.
CopyWork offers forced practice, pattern matching, and the opportunity to imitate others before innovating.

StoryWork is a 10-day writing and copywork course that focuses on storytelling.
It consists of 25-minute guided writing sessions using passages from fiction, non-fiction, and exceptional essays.
The author’s daily practice of these techniques led to significant online following, including 250K followers on Twitter and LinkedIn, 55K newsletter readers, and the creation of 3 books.

Jay Yang
When I first saw StoryWork, I was skeptical. “All you have to do is hand copy good stories and you’ll improve?” But after going through his course, I can confidently say, it’s LEGIT. If you want to improve not just the way you write stories, but also the patterns you see within stories… this is for you.


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